Investeerimise pettus

Ḱui saate kirja aadressiga (saatja või soovitakse vastust), milles lubatakse raha, siis on tegemist pettusega. Teie hakkate neile raha ette maksma aga seda ei saa kunagi tagasi ega toimu ka lubatud tehingut.

Subject: Re: Investment Loan
To: Recipients <[email protected]>
From: “Trans-Neft Limited Liability Company” <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021
Reply-To: [email protected]

IP Hostname City Region Country Organisation Saint Petersburg St.-Petersburg RU AS9123 TimeWeb Ltd. Moscow Moscow RU AS12389 PJSC Rostelecom

Hello Dear,

I am Mrs. Felipe Alexandra; I am seeking for investment opportunities
and wonder if you can be of assistance, I am a financial facilitator
with affiliation with ultra high net worth individual seeking to
invest in viable businesses and projects in your region.

Basically, all I need from you is authenticity, integrity protection,
virtue, accountability and honor which would bring trust in business.
As you already know, nothing can undermine a business relationship
more completely than lack of trust because trust is the essential
precondition upon which all real success depends and the key to trust
is action and commitments. Commitments made and commitments honored,
be rest assured that all information shared between us will be held in
strict confidentiality.

My apologies if this email is of no interest to you and please
delete, but if it interests you please respond for more details.

Warm regards,
Mrs. Felipe Alexandra
Bulletproof Investors group
Private Email:
Bulletproof Investors-wealth Management and Private Investment.

Kokkuvõte eelnevast pakkumisest. Kirja saatja otsib rikastele inimestele kasumlikke ärisid ja projekte teie regioonis. Teilt soovitakse tõepärast, ausat käitumist, mis toob ärile usalduse. Kogu vahetatud info jääb rangelt konfidentsiaalseks. Felipe Alexandra, Kuulikindlate Investorite Grupp.

Vastust soovitakse saatjast erinevale aadressile – [email protected] ja see on samuti pettuse äratundmisel abiks.


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